History of Glass Suppliers

411 Victoria Ave., Regina, SK is a special location because it started out as the residence and business address of Mathias and Evelyn Lang, who are Robert’s grandparents. Mathias and Evelyn lived above the pool hall they ran. When their son Frank married Rose, a small addition onto this house became the new couple’s first home.

In 1966, Frank Lang started the family business, Glass Suppliers & Installations Ltd, at this very location. Not unlike young entrepreneurs today, Frank started the business by working out of the old pool hall basement. He added a business phone at their residence so that Rose could help from home while raising their family.

The business flourished. They soon tore down the pool hall and built a new, larger shop to serve the growing needs of customers. This new building is what stands today as Glass Suppliers at 411 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK.

When Robert’s younger siblings became old enough, his Mom, Rose, was able to come into the shop every day. She helped manage the office and provided customer service for clients calling or dropping into the shop. In 2016, she celebrated an amazing 50-year work anniversary.

Robert has carried on this family business tradition. At age 15, he started going to the shop after school to learn the trade of cutting glass. When Robert finished high school, he started working full time at the shop and has not stopped since.

Robert, Rose, and Frank worked together in growing the business for 38 years until Frank’s retirement and passing in 2015. Robert, the president and owner of Glass Suppliers, continues the family tradition with Shane Keller, his nephew.

Victoria Pool

About Our Company

Glass Suppliers is about building strong relationships with our clients. We achieve this by providing excellent customer service while maintaining a high degree of integrity.

With years of industry experience, knowledge, and expertise, we are the glass specialists to depend on. We take pride in our workmanship by providing top-quality and competitively priced products and services.

Glass Suppliers is a small, local, family-operated company. It is more than just a business—it is about relationships and treating customers like family.


To learn more about our company, call us at 306-757-1737.
We look forward to speaking with you.